$50K to build your new home!
The NT Government is giving first home buyers a whooping $50K and second home buyers $30K to sign a contract to build a new home in the Territory. To be eligible as a first home buyer you cannot have owned any property in Australia previously and for both grants you...
5 Myths about Blockwork internal walls busted!
5 Common Myths about Block Internal Walls busted! There are so many myths about block internal walls in Darwin that unsuspecting buyers seem to believe they are the best option without knowing the truth. We just want to make sure when you are investing your...
New vs Old summary for first home buyers
Neat video which summarises the differences between buying and building a new property in Darwin or Palmerston in the Northern Territory. Back to articles feed We have an awesome house thanks to awesome people and we moved in 8 weeks early!" You can tell a good...
Q & A
Deciding to Build Buying a new home is an emotional decision. The house you buy says a great deal about you, your income, your taste for risk, your goals and what you expect in the future. So making the right decision can be a very daunting task. The decision to build...
Why Buy a New Home?
If you're in the market for a new home, have you considered buying a brand new home? Not only do you get a home that's reflects your personal tastes and preferences, you'll also find energy efficient, modern floor plans in a better neighborhood than you...
Steps to your New Home
Select an Abode New Home that best suits you and your lifestyle. One of our consultants can provide you with an itemised estimate and a prospective site plan on your block. The list price is locked in for 30 days. If the build estimate is to your satisfaction, we now...
Build Times
How long before you can start? This is a tricky question. Abode New Homes does have an exceptional reputation and therefore we are in high demand. Our advice is the sooner you pay a deposit the quicker we will be to site. In order to maintain our high standards, we...
Our Process
At Abode New Homes, not only is the quality of our homes very important to us, the 'selection' and building experience should be one that you would want to recommend to your friends and family. We have established our own 5-step process. These steps include a detailed...
Mortgage Broker or Bank – Questions to Ask
10 Questions to Ask Your Mortgage Broker or Bank How much can I borrow? Ask the broker to provide an estimate of your borrowing power, in other words, how much the banks will be willing to lend you. This is an important first step in your property investment decision,...
Good Debt and Bad Debt in Property
What is the difference between good and bad property debt? Most people I meet think all debt is bad: It's something you should avoid or clear as quickly as possible. However, debt can be your friend. Good debt will work day and night for you and earn more than it...
7 Things To Consider When Buying a Block of Land
What should I look for when viewing sites? 1. Site Selection The first step in buying a block of land should be to ensure that it has the services that you consider necessary for your lifestyle. Things to consider include the availability of schools and...
Why It’s Important To Choose A Professional Builder?
Why It's Important To Choose A Professional Builder From start to finish. A professional builder will help you to put it all together - from ideas to design, from products to plans, from construction to completion. Experienced advice. A professional builder has the...